The Mythic Age

Naudline Pierre
, ‎"
Dance of the Mythics
‎ (
), ‎
Courtesy of the artist

James Cohan Gallery, 48 Walker Street, New York, NY 10013. Runs through October 19, 2024.

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Overview for AR/VR Exhibition

The Mythic Age by Brooklyn-based Naudline Pierre at James Cohan Gallery showcases new paintings and sculptural interventions centered on transformation and evolution. Inspired by Baroque and 19th-century French academic art, Pierre creates ethereal worlds filled with mysterious figures, focusing on personal and radical self-expression. Her technique blends dry brushing with fluid, aqueous strokes to evoke a dreamlike atmosphere. 

Exhibition Description

"Transformation is the central tenet of Naudline Pierre’s practice: evolution of the self, metamorphosis of the female form, escape from our earthly existence into the luminous unknown, and material oscillations from fresco-like dry brushing to aqueous gestures. Pierre paints scenes that are ever-shifting, in states of mystery and ecstatic potentiality. Her characters’ limbs and wings extend beyond the picture plane, as if to suggest that this atmospheric world, devoid of a horizon line, continues infinitely. Pierre transforms and reinvigorates disparate art historical references that span centuries, pointedly looking back to artists who did not and could not imagine her as their viewer, yet share a desire to reinvent and reimagine the universe. In her newest works, Pierre references Baroque and French academic painting of the 1800s, which opened the door to modernity and the heretical embrace of iconography in the service of personal, political, and radical self-expression. She draws freely from this distinctly male, European legacy of image-making, forming an intergenerational line between artists of radically different backgrounds to refashion historical motifs for a new audience."

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