An Abstraction

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 Pace Gallery, 540 West 25th Street, New York. Runs through August 16th, 2024.

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Overview for AR/VR Exhibition

An Abstraction, presents a new exhibition of recent paintings and drawings by Adam Pendleton. This solo show marks Pendleton's return to the city after a decade and continues his exploration of "Black Dada," a philosophy that interrogates Blackness in relation to abstraction and the avant-garde, creating layered pictorial fields that blend painterly, psychic, and verbal elements.

Exhibition Description

"In An Abstraction, the artist’s 12 paintings and 13 drawings will hang within a monumental, site-specific architecture consisting of five black triangular forms. These sculptural walls will reorder the gallery into new, unexpected spaces and extend the visual language of the exhibited works. Bringing together the artist’s Black Dada and Untitled (Days) bodies of work, the new paintings and drawings in the exhibition feature a variety of marks—spray painting, stenciled geometric forms, and expressionistic brushstrokes— to blur distinctions between painting, drawing, and photography and propose painting as a documentary and performative act. Pendleton’s new Black Dada works imbue his iconic black and white compositions with focused and saturated colors. Each of the paintings and drawings in this body of work bears one or more typographic letters from the phrase “BLACK DADA,” rendered in a sans serif font amid the artist’s gestural marks. Continually transposing and overwriting these two modes of inscription, Pendleton cultivates a living library of his own ever-evolving gestures and processes." -Press Release Excerpt

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